Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Birthday to me NOTTTTT

My heart is broken and everyone telling me Happy Birthday doesn't help, what is happy about it?  I am 42 years old today another year of no baby and my birthday just is a sign that the odds are more and more against me.  I thought this year would be different.  My baby boy should be a month old and snuggling here with me.  I should be covered in baby puke and baby powder.  I am TTC and trying to hold on but my heart is aching and now the guilt is back.  Why did my body fail him?  What did I do?   I would gladly give my life for him to bring him back because life here without him is no life really at all.  I will put on a brave face for the people that love me and go to a nice quiet dinner with my fiancé but this is pure torture.  I have my good days but holidays and birthdays are just reminders of what should have been. 
Mommy misses you Benjamin and I hope you know how much I love you and I am sorry for anything I missed that could have saved you. 

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